Novatex Solutions IT Division

Web Hosting and design services though a dedicated hosting website www.netcy.com

Novatex Solutions Ltd Robotics, AI, IoT

Novatex has been heavily involved in many Robotics related activities.

Novatex Solutions LTD Research Projects Innovation

Novatex has been involved in many applied research and projects.

Novatex Solutions LTD Research Projects Education STEM Higher Education

Novatex has been actively involved  in the writing and the preparation of research proposals .

What we do

Solutions Provider

Novatex has been involved in noumerous initiatives and can act as a advisor as well as a solution provider in the following fields

STEM education

  • Novatex has great experience in STEM education and related hardware.  We are actively supporting STEM education as well as related robotic competitions such as ROBOTEX, WRO and FLL.  Novatex offers robotic and STEM related hardware via its www.robotaki.com  online shop

Smart Agriculture

    • Novatex offers smart agriculture and related solutions via a dedicated website www.kampos.eu 
    • Solutions range from simple measurement of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) as well as soil moisture, irrigation automation, drones solutions for monitoring purposes and much more 
    •  Wireless sensor solutions – We have been working with sensors and smart agriculture for more than 15 years.  Connectivity options include  Mobile telephony , wifi, Lora or even satellite communications if nothing else is available!


Novatex has been actively involved in many projects since 2006.  You can find below an indicative list of projects that we have been involved either as coordinators, partners or supporters.  These projects include Cyprus Research Promotion foundation, Horizon 2020, Cyprus ministry of Commerce and Industry, Erasmus+  and other.

Aims to enhance the strategic engagement capacity between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for Horizon Europe initiatives.

Smart Agriculture and Artificial Intelligence  in action. 

Design and deployment of cloud applications. 

Integrating work based learning and entrepreneurship in Higher Education. 

Monitoring city noise pollution using IOT Technologies.

Employability and Entrepreneurship via Centers of Learning and Co-operative Creativity. 

Development of a method for monitoring the population of mediterranean fly using wireless technology. 

 Research Center for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the environment. 


Development of Automated Traps and Wireless Communication and Positioning Systems.